Lead Generation and Response

Here are our key best practices for making sure you’re able to generate leads.

Generate Leads

Use social media to generate rental leads. Most Real Estate professionals already rely on social media to generate rental leads because the overwhelming majority of renters search for homes and real estate agents online.

To start, follow these best practices:

  1. Set up a Facebook Business Page.
  2. Set (and stick to) a schedule for marketing via social media, using best practices.

Key Best Practices:

Once you’re ready to post, here’s our key best practices for making sure you’re able to generate leads.

Key 1) Find the RIGHT listing to post online! Remember:

  1. Find the RIGHT listing. (Find curated listings here.)
  2. The listing should be in a community or area that you are very familiar with. Or, you must be able to gain access to this property so that you can become knowledgeable. You will be expected to provide additional knowledge and valuable insight.

Qualify and Convert Leads

As with rental lead generation, qualifying rental leads is largely virtual process, done via phone, email, and text. Some important things to remember:

  1. Get familiar with our best practices for qualifying rental leads. Handling rental leads is different than working with potential buyers, so make sure to brush up, even if you are an experienced agent.
  2. Set/review your Rental Beast lead filtering and automatic response configurations.


What to say to Leads–Key Messaging

The emphasis for scheduling showings must be all about the critical role of an agent. For many, rent is the biggest monthly expense and deciding where to call “home” has have a major impact on well-being. And, for owners, picking the right renter is a critical investment decision.  You are there to provide critical local knowledge and an unbiased view. In contrast to property managers, you are not trying to push a specific rental or building: you only want what is right for your client. And, bonus for the renter… in most markets, property owners pay the realtor’s fee. As a client tours potential homes from the comfort and safety of their couch, they can receive your expert advise for free!

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